
Showing posts from March, 2017

Yellowhammers are part of our natural Heritage

The Oxford dictionary describes the meaning of Heritage as things of special architectural, historical, or natural value that are preserved for the nation.'  Yet if we are to look at the proposals, put forward in the most recent Heritage Bill by Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys  it appears our Yellowhammers are not of natural value to our nation anymore. Indeed neither are our pollinators, bats, butterflies and mammals. This is the only conclusion one could possibly reason for naming such a destructive bill after this term. The Heritage Bill 2016 will propose extensions to the dates for hedgecutting and burning in the uplands. If these changes go through they will have wide implications for some of our most endangered wildlife. See Birdwatch Irelands full statement on the proposal. More worryingly Birdwatch Ireland have already noted i...