Lough Sheelin Walk: Review

Birdwatch Ireland Meath Lough Sheelin Walk 17.11.19 A bright November morning and a spooked Kestrel greeted the arrival of our walk on the shores of Lough Sheelin near Mount Nugent, Co Cavan. Graham and Fiona, who own a stretch of land which juts out from the eastern shore of Lough Sheelin allowed us access to this excellent venue for our birdwatching event. Along with a good showing from the Meath Branch of Birdwatch Ireland, Gerry and Sean from the Kildare branch also joined us for this outing. A passing flock of Fieldfares called above the trees and bushes as we made our way to the lake through this thick cover of native woodland. The trees don’t grow very tall in this saturated ground but do provide a dense cover or ‘home’, for the calling siskins and redpolls, as well as numerous Chaffinches, Blackbirds, Robins and various Tits. Fieldfare - pic: Dick Coombes We were struck by more unusual sounds coming from the lake, the whinnying of Little Grebes, and pig-lik...